Salutations, hooman!
Being proper and polite at the expense of your own personality shining through to the world, is just not worth the trouble, man.
No longer willing to put up with the societal gaze— Impolite Revolution is a space and a community that only wishes people to live their lives in the loudest and proudest way possible.
By not adhering to the idea of "normal", and celebrating each quirk and wonky thought, let's embrace that we all are works in progress :)

You ever wonder what a Disney Character feels like when a butterfly beelines them as they burst into a song, with a huge smile plastered on their face?
That is the same feeling I wish to spread through all that I create.

Channeling creative juices using Literature, Art, Music, Pop Culture, Feminism, and just life for inspiration.
We only use recyclable, reused materials for packaging— reducing trash one order at a time
I am cringe, but I am free.
A non-judgemental space where vibrant colours and whimsical & wonky ideas are all valid.
Who dis?
It's me, Tanisha. *nervous laughter*
"I have come to the frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate."
- Goethe
I am an overthinker. Have been one since I can remember. Add a little “people pleasing” to the mix and you have the perfect recipe for a person who was constantly trying to make sure that she was behaving properly, being appropriate, always polite, even idealistic. Then anxiety entered the chat.
But now that I have learnt that this is not how everyone’s mind works— I have decided to change some rules in this playground called my brain. I just want to be myself freely (at least try to). I no longer want to adhere to the idea of doing things, making things, conducting things— with perfection.
I no longer wish to be polite if that only waters down my personality, my thoughts, and my opinions. Living as my loudest and proudest self is the goal, and oh, it is a (mighty) process! A choice I make everyday.
So 'Impolite Revolution' seemed like the befitting start to share my truest self through all that I sculpt and illustrate. Also hoping that people are be able to find some comfort and curiosity in all that I create, which furthers them to live as their loudest and proudest selves :)